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Order & Payment

Did you find what you were looking for? That's great! You're just a few clicks away from getting your items:

step 1: shopping basket

Place your item(s) in your shopping basket.

step 2: details

Enter your personal details (if you are already logged in, you can skip this step). Check whether your address is correct in the next step.

step 3: payment

Choose a method of payment: iDeal, credit card or bank transfer. If you have a discount code, use it here. If making your payment via iDeal, don't forget to click on 'Complete payment' when you've finished. You will then receive confirmation via an email. All amounts stated include VAT.



The following payment options are available:



iDEAL is an online payment system developed by Dutch banks. iDEAL is highly trusted and the most widely used online payment method in the Netherlands. As a customer with iDEAL, you are re-directed to your own internet banking environment to make payment.


Creditcard (Mastercard, Visa, American Express)

You can also pay using your Mastercard, Visa or American Express card. Products purchased online with a credit card are insured for at least 180 days against damage, loss and theft. We do not charge for credit card payments.



PayPal allows you to pay for your purchases immediately. PayPal is a popular international payment method that offers customers plenty of protection and convenience. PayPal is user-friendly and safe for you as a consumer. You can create your own PayPal account by linking it to your bank account or credit card, or you can deposit a balance on your account. You can then easily make online purchases using your e-mail address and password. There is no charge to open a PayPal account. This means that there are no additional costs.


Banking contact

It is possible for Belgian customers to make payments online via Bancontact. Making a payment with Bancontact is very simple. On the payment page, select Bancontact as the payment method. A secure connection is established and you may then select your own bank. You are then directed to your trusted internet banking environment to make the payment.


SOFORT Banking

SOFORT Banking is a simple and direct payment method used internationally. With SOFORT Banking, you can easily pay for your order via bank transfer, using their online banking system. SOFORT Banking is similar to an online bank transfer.



Giropay is an online payment system developed by German banks. In addition to German customers, more and more Austrian customers are using Giropay.