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Basic and light at bij.manon.thuis

Fresh, light and basic interior, mix of design and beach look, straight lines, no designs or patterns

Hi, I am Manon, 33 years old and married to Lorenzo. We live in a family house from 1916 at the coast in Katwijk aan Zee (NL). In daily life I work with people with a mental disability. I have been doing that for more than ten years with a lot of joy.

In addition, I love everything that has to do with interior design. This has not always been the case. The love for interiors came when we bought our first house and started living together for the first time. Soon I noticed that I can be very restless when it comes to our interior and therefore I regularly change something at home . In our first house, the interior was rural. Soon I noticed that this was not quite my style. After some experimenting with color and accessories I found out that a basic style suits us best. 

I describe our interior as basic and light. In our interior you see mostly white and light wood. I am a big fan of old houses with many old details. My big dream is to one day be able to live in such a beautiful old building. 

I love going to various home improvement stores for inspiration. Every month I receive a number of interior design magazines and I love flipping through them with a cup of tea. Social media is also a great source of inspiration, I love looking into other people's homes. Instagram is my favorite. I've been active on Instagram for years and have my own page with photos of our interior.

Love to see you there! 

Shop the look

Sara Bettbezug

Die Oberseite aus 100% gewaschenem Leinen, die Unterseite aus Baumwollsatin und die besondere Embroidery-Stickerei verleihen Ihrem Schlafzimmer eine luxuriöse Ausstrahlung.

Wit Wit/Grey
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Maxime Bettbezug

Der Bettbezug Maxime ist aus 100% gewaschenem Leinen. In acht trendy Farben erhaltlich.

Wit Wit/Grey
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